Edmund Rice Development Menu

Committed to impacting positively on the lives of people made poor

ERD Seeks Consultant for Disability Inclusion and Mainstreaming project

Edmund Rice Development (ERD) is a development organisation dedicated to the liberation of...

From Dalkey to Cochabamba: Br. Eddie McArdle’s journey to the Centro Hermano Manolo in Bolivia

2025 will mark 50 years of missionary work for Dublin-native Br. Eddie McArdle. Over the years, Eddie has worked in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru and Bolivia.

Naidi's Visit to West Africa

ERD Programme Manager Naidi McDonnell had the opportunity to travel to West Africa for the first time to visit ERD-funded projects in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Meet Edmund Rice England

Edmund Rice England is a dynamic network of schools, youth ministries and outreach activities inspired by the founding vision of Blessed Edmund Rice.

Empower Her at Edmund Rice Centre Nairobi

In September, the Empower Her Project at Edmund Rice Centre Nairobi hosted an insightful two-day training programme focused on hydroponic fodder and Azolla farming.

July Open House at Edmund Rice House

Following the success of our May Brothers Event, we were delighted to host another Open House at Edmund Rice House in July.

Fiona’s Visit to Rome

Fiona travelled to Rome to participate in the ‘Building a Network for Mission Development and Sustainability' conference, and had the privilege of meeting the Irish Ambassador to the Holy See.

Misean Cara Mentors in Dublin

The ERD team had the pleasure of meeting the Misean Cara mentors when they were in Ireland in June for the Misean Cara AGM meeting.

Visit to the Latin America Mission Area

In April, Programme Manager Naidi McDonnell headed to Peru and Bolivia to visit the Edmund Rice Latin America projects. The local mission office team welcomed Naidi to the region and organised her visit to the project sites.


Edmund Rice Development is a registered company limited by guarantee. Registered in Ireland, Registered Charity Number: 20071004, Company Number: 463400, Revenue Charitable Tax Exemption Number: CHY18492, Registered Address: 23 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 AR55.

Our Funders