Edmund Rice Development Menu

Dedicated to the liberation of people and communities from poverty and injustice


Edmund Rice Mission began in Ghana in 1967. The work is now concentrated in Kanvilli at the Junior and Secondary school. The country is rich in mineral resources, and endowed with a good education system and efficient civil service.

Population: 25 million
Life Expectancy: 64.6 years
Infant mortality rate: 39.7 per 1000
Public expenditure on health: 5.2% of GDP
HIV/AIDS rate: 1.8% of adult population
Public Expenditure on Education: 8.2% GDP
% of children primary school age not in school: 16%
Children with no access to education: 470,000
Unemployment, youth ages 15-24: 16.6%


Kanvilli Junior and Secondary School

Country: Ghana  Focus Area(s): Education
Kanvilli Junior & Senior Secondary School is one of the many Catholic schools in Tamale, Northern Ghana. Over the years, the school had been poorly managed and was badly rundown. It was handed over to the...
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Edmund Rice Development is a registered company limited by guarantee. Registered in Ireland, Registered Charity Number: 20071004, Company Number: 463400, Revenue Charitable Tax Exemption Number: CHY18492, Registered Address: 23 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 AR55.

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