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Committed to impacting positively on the lives of people made poor

Mission Capacity Support Team collaborate and plan in Dublin

Posted on 18 December 2017

The Mission Capacity Support Team (MCST) met
recently for an intensive week of meetings in Dublin.

MCST members from all over the world came together for a productive gathering to collaborate on capacity building, systems and development expertise within the field for Edmund Rice Mission projects. A number of Edmund Rice Development staff and directors also participated in the week with Mission Coordinators from Africa, Latin America, Oceania and representatives from Edmund Rice International and the Transition Support Team. The MCST was formed in 2016, and for the last year has been carrying out an assessment on mission capacity at the local and global level.

The objective of the week in Dublin was to develop a clear and precise plan for 2018, and to put in place concrete strategies to ensure the plan is effective. Each Mission Coordinator created their own Local Plan for strengthening their mission development office while addressing capacity issues on the ground. These plans were informed by the Mission Capacity Building Global Plan (2018-2020), which was developed by the MCST earlier this year.

The week in Dublin left all participants energised to further develop their capabilities and to improve local activities to ensure that Edmund Rice Mission projects have the greatest impact in the lives of the people we serve around the world.

Adapted from “A Communication from the Mission Support Capacity Team” November 2017


Edmund Rice Development is a registered company limited by guarantee. Registered in Ireland, Registered Charity Number: 20071004, Company Number: 463400, Revenue Charitable Tax Exemption Number: CHY18492, Registered Address: 23 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 AR55.

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