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Committed to impacting positively on the lives of people made poor

International Safeguarding Conference

Posted on 01 November 2023

In June, ERD Programme Manager and Safeguarding Lead Naidi McDonnell attended the International Safeguarding Conference 2023 in Rome. This year’s theme was Sustaining Organisational Accountability. Throughout the week, organisations learned how to be accountable to various stakeholders, including survivors, children, organisation members and the general public. The conference concluded with a Safeguarding Forum, which enabled interaction and exchange between practitioners and researchers. The week was a great opportunity to learn from other missionary organisations and Christian Charities.

Naidi is pictured with Valerie Philpott, Misean Cara Safeguarding Adviser, Ambassador Frances Collins, Embassy of Ireland to the Holy See, Fr. Hans Zollner SJ, Director of the Institute of Anthropology, Pontifical Gregorian University and Simon Davies, Director of Professional Standards, Jesuits, Australia.


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