Defensoría Edmundo Rice and Los Tréboles presented, together with other social, religious and educational organisations, a report for the Universal Periodic Review that addressed the problems related to the Human Rights of children and adolescents in Uruguay, including: school dropouts, the current criminal justice system for youth, access to decent housing for families and violence against children and adolescents.
All of the issues addressed in the report were part of the official recommendations made by the member countries of the Human Rights Council to Uruguay to improve the conditions of compliance with human rights. Uruguay, through its vice ambassador, accepted all the recommendations made by the countries, based on the reports submitted by the agencies such as Defensoría Edmundo Rice. While this work is challenging, Defensoría Edmundo Rice has successfully worked in collaboration with other organisations to improve human rights for children and adolescents in Uruguay and Latin America.
About Defensoría Edmundo Rice
Defensoría Edmundo Rice is a non-governmental organisation committed to the defense and promotion of human rights. DER works internationally, in collaboration with other organisations of similar interests, in causes that involve the violation of the rights of children and adolescents as well as the care of the environment. The main task of Defensoría Edmundo Rice is to influence and encourage agents of change in the Latin American Region, including governments, political authorities and international leaders, to seek solutions to the problems that affect the lives of the most vulnerable by integrating the issues of human rights violations into the agenda of the international community at the United Nations.
Adapted from LATAM 2019