Edmund Rice Development Menu

Committed to impacting positively on the lives of people made poor

Improving Students’ Lives in Fe y Alegría, Peru

Located in Canto Grande, one of the poorest areas of Lima, the Fe y Alegría School provide...

Changes to the ERD Board and Team

We had a number of changes to the board of ERD over recent months. Matt Breen retired from...

From Zambia to Ireland

Edmund Rice Development was delighted to host three Brothers from Zambia in 2017.Br. Kepha...

ERD Announces Five Year Strategy

ERD Strategy 2017-21During 2016 ERD engaged in an in-depth strategic review process – look...

CBS Omagh Run/Walk

CBS Omagh held another successful 10k and 5k run/walk on Saturday, February 11th. Over 300...

Broadcasting from the Ruben Centre

Justin Kilcullen, a board member of Misean Cara, recently visited the Ruben Centre in Nair...

The Home of Edmund Rice Education

Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders is the global network of Edmund Rice schools, present...

Coláiste Éamann Rís Kenyan Immersion 2017

As part of the Coláiste Éamann Rís Kenyan Immersion Project 2017, 13 students from transit...

Lenten Activities and Harvest Envelopes: St Joseph’s Prep supports worthy charities

Over the last year at St Joseph’s Preparatory school has been involved in many different w...


Edmund Rice Development is a registered company limited by guarantee. Registered in Ireland, Registered Charity Number: 20071004, Company Number: 463400, Revenue Charitable Tax Exemption Number: CHY18492, Registered Address: 23 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 AR55.

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